The regular session of the A meeting is held once a year as prescribed by law, and the extraordinary session of the National Assembly is held at the request of the President or more than one-fourth of the members of the National Assembly. I solemnly swear before the people that I will faithfully perform my duties as President by observing the Constitution, defending the country, and striving for the peaceful unification of the country, promoting the freedom and welfare of the people, and developing national culture. The President may order pardon, commutation, or reinstatement as prescribed by law. Awards such as medals are effective only to the person who received them, and no privileges are attached to them. The right to collective action of workers engaged in major defense industries as prescribed by law may be restricted or not recognized as prescribed by law.

Employees who are public officials have the right to organize, bargain collectively, and take collective action only to those specified by law. A military court may be established as a special court to have jurisdiction over military trials. The establishment, organization, and scope of duties of each administrative department are determined by law. To expel a member, the approval of more than two-thirds of the members of the National Assembly is required. The Constitutional Court is composed of nine judges with judicial qualifications, and the judges are appointed by the President. The Cabinet of Ministers deliberates on important policies that fall under the authority of the government. Local governments handle affairs related to the welfare of residents, manage property, and can enact regulations on self-government within the scope of laws. Bills passed by the National Assembly are transferred to the government and promulgated by the President within 15 days.

P가는 농지에 관하여 경자유전의 원칙이 달성될 수 있도록 노력하여야 하며, 농지의 소작제도는 금지된다. 국회는 의원의 자격을 심사하며, 의원을 징계할 수 있다. 국회가 재적의원 과반수의 찬성으로 계엄의 해제를 요구한 때에는 대통령은 이를 해제하여야 한다. 모든 국민은 신체의 자유를 가진다. 누구든지 법률에 의하지 아니하고는 체포·구속·압수·수색 또는 심문을 받지 아니하며, 법률과 적법한 절차에 의하지 아니하고는 처벌·보안처분 또는 강제노역을 받지 아니한다. 각급 선거관리위원회의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다. 국회의 회의는 공개한다. 다만, 출석의원 과반수의 찬성이 있거나 의장이 국가의 안전보장을 위하여 필요하다고 인정할 때에는 공개하지 아니할 수 있다.

국정의 중요한 사항에 관한 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국가원로로 구성되는 국가원로자문회의를 둘 수 있다. 형사피의자 또는 형사피고인으로서 구금되었던 자가 법률이 정하는 불기소처분을 받거나 무죄판결을 받은 때에는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가에 정당한 보상을 청구할 수 있다. 국가는 노인과 청소년의 복지향상을 위한 정책을 실시할 의무를 진다. 국민경제의 발전을 위한 중요정책의 수립에 관하여 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국민경제자문회의를 둘 수 있다. 탄핵소추의 의결을 받은 자는 탄핵심판이 있을 때까지 그 권한행사가 정지된다. 국정감사 및 조사에 관한 절차 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다.

Niels Bohr

Albert Einstein

A standard adult football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Each half runs continuously, meaning that the clock is not stopped when the ball is out of play. There is usually a 15-minute half-time break between halves. The end of the match is known as full-time. The referee is the official timekeeper for the match, and may make an allowance for time lost through substitutions, injured players requiring attention, or other stoppages.

Stoppage time does not fully compensate for the time in which the ball is out of play, and a 90-minute game typically involves about an hour of “effective playing time”. The referee alone signals the end of the match.

In matches where a fourth official is appointed, towards the end of the half, the referee signals how many minutes of stoppage time they intend to add. The fourth official then informs the players and spectators by holding up a board showing this number.


The longer boundary lines are touchlines, while the shorter boundaries (on which the goals are placed) are goal lines. A rectangular goal is positioned on each goal line, midway between the two touchlines.



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