A foul occurs when a player commits an offence listed in the Laws of the Game while the ball is in play. The offences that constitute a foul are listed in Law 12. Handling the ball deliberately, tripping an opponent, or pushing an opponent, are examples of “penal fouls”, punishable by a direct free kick or penalty kick depending on where the offence occurred. Other fouls are punishable by an indirect free kick. The referee may punish a player’s or substitute’s misconduct by a caution (yellow card) or dismissal (red card). A second yellow card in the same game leads to a red card, which results in a dismissal.

Other fouls are punishable by an indirect free kick. The referee may punish a player’s or substitute’s misconduct by a caution (yellow card) or dismissal (red card). A player given a yellow card is said to have been “booked”, the referee writing the player’s name in their official notebook.

Misconduct may occur at any time, and while the offences that constitute misconduct are listed, the definitions are broad. In particular, the offence of “unsporting behaviour” may be used to deal with most events that violate the spirit of the game, even if they are not listed as specific offences.

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Rather than stopping play, the referee may allow play to continue if doing so will benefit the team against which an offence has been committed.

Association football is one of a family of football codes that emerged from various ball games played worldwide since antiquity. Within the English-speaking world, the sport is now usually called “football” in Great Britain and most of Ulster in the north of Ireland, whereas people usually call it “soccer” in regions and countries where other codes of football are prevalent, such as Australia, Canada, South Africa, most of Ireland (excluding Ulster), and the United States. A notable exception is New Zealand, where in the first two decades of the 21st century, under the influence of international television, “football” has been gaining prevalence, despite the dominance of other codes of football, namely rugby union and rugby league.

The term soccer comes from Oxford “-er” slang, which was prevalent at the University of Oxford in England from about 1875, and is thought to have been borrowed from the slang of Rugby School. Initially spelt assoccer (a shortening of “association”), it was later reduced to the modern spelling. This form of slang also gave rise to rugger for rugby football, fiver and tenner for five pound and ten pound notes, and the now-archaic footer that was also a name for association football. The word soccer arrived at its current form in 1895 and was first recorded in 1889 in the earlier form of socca.


A standard adult football match consists of two halves of 45 minutes each. Each half runs continuously, meaning that the clock is not stopped when the ball is out of play. There is usually a 15-minute half-time break between halves. The end of the match is known as full-time. The referee is the official timekeeper for the match, and may make an allowance for time lost through substitutions, injured players requiring attention, or other stoppages.

Stoppage time does not fully compensate for the time in which the ball is out of play, and a 90-minute game typically involves about an hour of “effective playing time”. The referee alone signals the end of the match.

In matches where a fourth official is appointed, towards the end of the half, the referee signals how many minutes of stoppage time they intend to add. The fourth official then informs the players and spectators by holding up a board showing this number.


The longer boundary lines are touchlines, while the shorter boundaries (on which the goals are placed) are goal lines. A rectangular goal is positioned on each goal line, midway between the two touchlines.

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out of play

A foul occurs when a player commits an offence listed in the Laws of the Game while the ball is in play. The offences that constitute a foul are listed in Law 12. Handling the ball deliberately, tripping an opponent, or pushing an opponent, are examples of “penal fouls”, punishable by a direct free kick or penalty kick depending on where the offence occurred. Other fouls are punishable by an indirect free kick.

Rather than stopping play, the referee may allow play to continue if doing so will benefit the team against which an offence has been committed


대법원장과 대법관이 아닌 법관은 대법관회의의 동의를 얻어 대법원장이 임명한다. 대통령은 내란 또는 외환의 죄를 범한 경우를 제외하고는 재직중 형사상의 소추를 받지 아니한다. 제2항과 제3항의 처분에 대하여는 법원에 제소할 수 없다. 국가는 전통문화의 계승·발전과 민족문화의 창달에 노력하여야 한다. 타인의 범죄행위로 인하여 생명·신체에 대한 피해를 받은 국민은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가로부터 구조를 받을 수 있다. 재의의 요구가 있을 때에는 국회는 재의에 붙이고, 재적의원과반수의 출석과 출석의원 3분의 2 이상의 찬성으로 전과 같은 의결을 하면 그 법률안은 법률로서 확정된다.

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모든 국민은 학문과 예술의 자유를 가진다. 모든 국민은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국방의 의무를 진다. 국무위원은 국정에 관하여 대통령을 보좌하며, 국무회의의 구성원으로서 국정을 심의한다. 민주평화통일자문회의의 조직·직무범위 기타 필요한 사항은 법률로 정한다. 형사피고인은 유죄의 판결이 확정될 때까지는 무죄로 추정된다. 대법원은 법률에 저촉되지 아니하는 범위안에서 소송에 관한 절차, 법원의 내부규율과 사무처리에 관한 규칙을 제정할 수 있다. 국가는 농업 및 어업을 보호·육성하기 위하여 농·어촌종합개발과 그 지원등 필요한 계획을 수립·시행하여야 한다. 국가는 여자의 복지와 권익의 향상을 위하여 노력하여야 한다.

국민경제의 발전을 위한 중요정책의 수립에 관하여 대통령의 자문에 응하기 위하여 국민경제자문회의를 둘 수 있다. 국회의 정기회는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 매년 1회 집회되며, 국회의 임시회는 대통령 또는 국회재적의원 4분의 1 이상의 요구에 의하여 집회된다. 국방상 또는 국민경제상 긴절한 필요로 인하여 법률이 정하는 경우를 제외하고는, 사영기업을 국유 또는 공유로 이전하거나 그 경영을 통제 또는 관리할 수 없다. 지방의회의 조직·권한·의원선거와 지방자치단체의 장의 선임방법 기타 지방자치단체의 조직과 운영에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다. 대통령의 임기연장 또는 중임변경을 위한 헌법개정은 그 헌법개정 제안 당시의 대통령에 대하여는 효력이 없다.



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