대법원장과 대법관이 아닌 법관은 대법관회의의 동의를 얻어 대법원장이 임명한다. 대통령은 내란 또는 외환의 죄를 범한 경우를 제외하고는 재직중 형사상의 소추를 받지 아니한다. 제2항과 제3항의 처분에 대하여는 법원에 제소할 수 없다. 국가는 전통문화의 계승·발전과 민족문화의 창달에 노력하여야 한다. 타인의 범죄행위로 인하여 생명·신체에 대한 피해를 받은 국민은 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가로부터 구조를 받을 수 있다. 재의의 요구가 있을 때에는 국회는 재의에 붙이고, 재적의원과반수의 출석과 출석의원 3분의 2 이상의 찬성으로 전과 같은 의결을 하면 그 법률안은 법률로서 확정된다.


tourism is reported
to have started

사랑으로 괴로운 사람은 한 번쯤 겨울 들녘에 가 볼 일이다. 빈 공간의 충만. 아낌없이 주는 자의 기쁨이 거기 있다. 가을걷이가 끝난 논에 떨어진 낟알 몇 개. 이별을 슬퍼하는 사람은 한 번쯤 겨울 들녘에 가 볼 일이다. 지상의 만남을 하늘에서 영원케 하는 자의 안식이 거기 있다. 먼 별을 우러르는 둠벙의 눈빛. 그리움으로 아픈 사람은 한 번쯤 겨울 들녘에 가 볼 일이다. 너를 지킨다는 것은 곧 나를 지킨다는 것, 홀로 있음으로 오히려 더불어 있게 된 자의 성찰이 거기 있다 빈 들을 쓸쓸히 지키는 논둑의 저 허수아비.

숲 가의 가지들 금빛에 타오를 때 나는 홀로 길을 갑니다 사랑하는 이와 함께 몇 번이나 둘이서 걸었습니다 이 좋은 날에 오랫 동안 마음에 지니고 있던 행복도 슬픔도 나에게서..

겨울 들녘에 서서, 오세영

꽃과 같이 순간에 죽으리라고
그대여 세월은 갑니다


The term soccer comes from Oxford “-er” slang, which was prevalent at the University of Oxford in England from about 1875, and is thought to have been borrowed from the slang of Rugby School. Initially spelt assoccer (a shortening of “association”), it was later reduced to the modern spelling. This form of slang also gave rise to rugger for rugby football, fiver and tenner for five pound and ten pound notes, and the now-archaic footer that was also a name for association football. The word soccer arrived at its current form in 1895 and was first recorded in 1889 in the earlier form of socca.

For a chronological guide

see Timeline of BLAH

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Comfort and speed than land-travel

Travel in the Middle Ages offered hardships and challenges, though it was important to the economy and to society. The wholesale sector depended (for example) on merchants dealing with/through caravans or sea-voyagers, end-user retailing often demanded the services of many itinerant peddlers wandering from village to hamlet, gyrovagues (wandering monks) and wandering friars brought theology and pastoral support to neglected areas, traveling minstrels toured, and armies ranged far and wide in various crusades and in sundry other wars. Pilgrimages were common in both the European and Islamic world and involved streams of travelers both locally and internationally.

In the late 16th century, it became fashionable for young European aristocrats and wealthy upper-class men to travel to significant European cities as part of their education in the arts and literature. This was known as the Grand Tour, and included cities such as London, Paris, Venice, Florence, and Rome. However, the French Revolution brought with it the end of the Grand Tour.

Travel by water often provided more comfort and speed than land-travel, at least until the advent of a network of railways in the 19th century. Travel for the purpose of tourism is reported to have started around this time when people began to travel for fun as travel was no longer a hard and challenging task. This was capitalized on by people like Thomas Cook selling tourism packages where trains and hotels were booked together. Airships and airplanes took over much of the role of long-distance surface travel in the 20th century, notably after the Second World War where there was a surplus of both aircraft and pilots. Air travel has become so ubiquitous in the 21st century that one woman, Alexis Alford, visited all 196 countries before the age of 21.

Travel may be local, regional, national (domestic) or international. In some countries, non-local internal travel may require an internal passport, while international travel typically requires a passport and visa. Tours are a common type of travel. Examples of travel tours are expedition cruises, small group tours, and river cruises.



The rational model has been widely criticized on two primary grounds



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