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Humans eat various substances for energy, enjoyment and nutritional support. These are usually of plant, animal, or fungal origin, and contain essential nutrients..
Association football is one of a family of football codes that emerged from various ball games played worldwide since antiquity. Within the English-speaking world, the sport is now usually called “football” in Great Britain and most of Ulster in the north of Ireland, whereas people usually call it “soccer” in regions and countries where other […]
Expropriation, use or restriction of property rights for public needs and compensation therefor shall be made by law, and fair compensation must be paid. Bills passed by the National Assembly are transferred to the government and promulgated by the President within 15 days. The Democratic and Peaceful Unification Advisory Council may be established to respond […]
The wholesale sector depended (for example) on merchants dealing with/through caravans or sea-voyagers, end-user retailing often demanded the services of many itinerant peddlers wandering from village to hamlet, gyrovagues (wandering monks) and wandering friars brought theology and pastoral support to neglected areas, traveling minstrels toured, and armies ranged far and wide in various crusades and in sundry other wars. Pilgrimages were common in both the European and Islamic world and involved streams of travelers both locally […]
예비비는 총액으로 국회의 의결을 얻어야 한다. 예비비의 지출은 차기국회의 승인을 얻어야 한다. 형사피의자 또는 형사피고인으로서 구금되었던 자가 법률이 정하는 불기소처분을 받거나 무죄판결을 받은 때에는 법률이 정하는 바에 의하여 국가에 정당한 보상을 청구할 수 있다. 사면·감형 및 복권에 관한 사항은 법률로 정한다. 모든 국민은 소급입법에 의하여 참정권의 제한을 받거나 재산권을 박탈당하지 아니한다. 사법권은 법관으로 구성된 법원에 […]
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